
STONEMIX READY PLAST is a premixed ready to use cement-based mortar for External use, which ensures quality and consistency. PreMix Plast is a mixture of graded inert fillers, additives, binder.


 Technical Specifications
 Coat thickness : 15 to 16 mm
 Compressive Strength: > 10 N/mm² after 28 days
 Flexural strength: > 4 N/mm² after 28 days
 Thickness for application: 10 – 15 mm Adhesion strength
 Shear method: > 1.5 N/mm² after 28 days
 Pull Out Method: > 2 N/mm² after 28 days
 Pull Off Strength: > 0.5 N/mm² after 28 days ( BS 4551 : 1980).

 Consistency & Assured quality of plaster for internal application.
 Better coverage in plaster area.
 Accurate proportioning of ingredients and homogenous mixture so good bonding, less rebound hence reduces the wastage during plastering.
 Excellent permeability resistant.
 Better coverage in plaster area.
 Increased plastic life of mortar and reduces drying shrinkage cracks. Improved labour productivity hence reduces the cost.
 Eco-friendly.
 Easy to use manually or by plastering machine.

 APPLICATIONS PreMix Plast can be used on brick, block & concrete walls, patching honeycombs in concrete to improve the quality of plastering work by factory controlled product.

40 kg bag.