
STONEMIX PLAST LEVEL is a high-performance levelling of substrates from 1 to 10 mm thickness, with normal setting prolonged workability, manufactured by CERTESTONE PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS LLP, suitable for subsequent laying of tiles after 12-24 hours and for laying of natural stone, parquet and resilient materials 3-5 days after application, at +23 C 50% R.H. Apply using a smooth spreader on the previously prepared, clean and dimensionally stable substrate and finish with a rigid float.


• Appearance=Ready-mixed Mixing Water=6.5 Ltr. / 25 Kg Pot Life=> 4 h Gel Time (Self-Leveling)=> 40 min. Temperature range for application=from +5 C to +45 C Min. Thickness=> 1 mm Max. Thickness Achievable=>10 mm Foot Traffic=24 hours.

• Thixotropic. Eco-friendly. Normal setting. Mineral levelling product for the high-performace. Correction and extended workability of irregular substrates. Extended workability. Guranteeing the correction of large surfaces even in extreme climatic conditions with a smooth finish which ideal for the subsequent laying of covering using Dubond adhesives.

• Internal & External. Also suitable for large surface areas. High level of slide for fast and safe applications. High dimentional stability and long lasting performance. High mechanical resistance. Suitable for laying ceramic tiles, porcelian tiles, natural. floors and resilient materials using adhesives.

25 Kilogram poly bag.